Aug 25, 2021Liked by Luis Buenaventura

Hi Luis, I’ve been following your crypto newsletters every since your first post about Axie Infinity. We hold a scholarship program in Tagum City, Mindanao. And I wanted to share the model of our program, which has been very effective, and in line with your goals of giving a new source of income to Filipinos, and could be replicated by other groups.

Me and my team focused on making our scholarship program exclusive to our city. The group is called Tagum Axie Academy, and you can find it in facebook.

I have observed (in our 2 months of operation) several advantages of keeping the scholarship localized, keeping it within your community.

1. A very strong community. They teach each other how to play, since most of them know each other. If there is a new member, they would still have common friends, and easily bond with each other. Plus no language barriers.

2. Less scam. In buying teams, applying as a scholar, or trading in-game coins, verification of people is easier, since everyone is within the city, knows each other, and can meet up with each other.

3. Programs for the city. We made a special program of providing axie scholarships to a specific group in the community. The first group we approached were the city street sweepers. We are planning to give to tricycle drivers next. But there are so many other target groups we also want.

In terms of scalability, we never had a problem. If we could offer a thousand scholarships now, they would all be received in a snap, all by city residents.

I hope this reaches you, and I hope this will inspire other scholarship programs to build their community through Axie Infinity.

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What's your current biggest challenge for growing to 1000 scholars?

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Aug 25, 2021Liked by Luis Buenaventura

I guess funds. But we are targeting 1000 scholars by end of the year. All from our city.

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Added you on FB!

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Self register like the tiangges… or the grab drivers/riders…yeah, scare them to death with penalties. They won’t really mind; they’ll die of starvation any way. The line to the confessional box was never full though it promised salvation. Hmm… self register, pay taxes, and wait for ayuda until kingdom come.

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